Dental CAT
Dental CAT


An Unremarkable Book

News - August 2010

Friday, 27 August 10
No cavities, no issues and no converns were found during my routine dental examination today, but I was introduced to a new hi-tech tool: a 3-dimensional CAT scan with stunning graphics. This gives dentists another way to spot small problems before they become large ones. Again I am not required to take an antibiotic 1 hour before the examination.

Sunday, 22 August 10
I have returned from Poland. It was my great privilege to speak to brain tumor patients, families, caregivers and physicians at the Center of Oncology in Warsaw at the invitation of the RadioZET foundation on 17 August 2010. I hope to receive many more such requests in the coming months and years.

Monday, 09 August 10
A routine eye exam today shows no change in my distant vision during the past 5 years; my near vision is now 20/30. The optometrist changed my eyeglass prescription from 1.25 to 2 and pulled my near vision to 20/15. So the brain tumor has not affected my vision in the slightest all of this time. The degradation in near field sight is normal with age, according to the doctor.

Wednesday, 04 August 10
I am 78 months post op now, 6.5 years since the tumor was removed. This has been a period of ups and downs mixed with tears and laughter. I look forward to the next 6.5 years. It seems more than fitting that the first 97 copies of my new book, An Unremarkable Man, would arrive at our home today. It took longer to get the book through the publishing process than to actually write it! But it was worth the wait and extra effort to have my book reviewed, changed and improved by so many professional editors at Winepress.

I hope and pray that many copies of this book will be sold, so that I can help many people in His name. I longed for a book from a brain tumor survivor when I was first diagnosed. There just were not many available from high grade brain tumor people, especially books that were current (regarding the patient's status) and up to date (regarding treatments). Perhaps this book can partially fill that gap. All net proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to The Legacy Brain Foundation.

The book is available on and now, with an eBook edition compatible with Kindle and Nook coming in early September.

July 2010 News September 2010 News

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