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News - May 2010

Friday, 28 May 10
My new prayer pager has arrived! I have missed these electronic alerts of your prayers. My thanks to FBC Richardson for this, my 4th pager. The number hasn't changed (972.321.0088), and neither has my need for prayer, whether public or private, seen or unseen, paged or unpaged.

Tuesday, 25 May 10
The weary wart released its grip this afternoon. I have been restored and it feels great to feel great. My prayer is 40 years; my attitude is one day at a time. Today was a very good day.

Saturday, 22 May 10
The tables have been turned - I am fatigued today and just want to rest. But I have found the best way to battle this is to stay active, so this the path I am trying to follow.

Friday, 21 May 10
I am feeling very well today, much better than I typically do just two days following a major chemo infusion. We introduced a new pre-med sequence that might explain this. No Decadron and Aloxi this time; Emend was substituted, a plan that just requires the consumption of one pill per day for three days. I am hopeful of a better experience and less side effects with Emend compared to Decadron and Aloxi.

Thursday, 20 May 10
Austin has completed his first video game design. Now I see why he was given the top animation award at the Denton Technical Institute last week. Austin's game includes a background clip from Aaron's first musical composition. Checkout it out on the AquaKids website!

Wednesday, 19 May 10
The official radiologist's report confirms my clean MRI status from last Friday. A second Carboplatin and Avastin infusion was performed today in view of today's excellent CBC results. My veins again proved to be elusive, so an extended time was required to get the meds into my system, one drop at a time. My efforts to hydrate myself prior to the appointment were unable to provide the plumb veins that permit a rapid infusion. I actually had to maintain a slight backwards pull on the IV to keep the drops flowing.

Tuesday, 18 May 10
My prayer pager is being replaced. Same pager number (972.321.0088), but a new device to replace the ailing pager. I will not be able to view any of your pages until the new unit is received.

Friday, 14 May 10
My MRI today is clean! Now the monthly Carboplatin/Avastin cycle will be repeated twice, and if the scans remain clean, I will stop the chemo in July. History suggests that the tumor will return again within one year if no further action is taken, so I will explore other agents to take after the conclusion of the Carbo/Avastin treatments. I appreciate your words of encouragement and your prayers.

Wednesday, 05 May 10
The bi-weekly Avastin infusion was accomplished today without incident, along with a blood check. The results of a genetic study of my original tumor have been received. We will use this information to augment the agents I am currently taking. Some of the meds suggested by the study will only be able to keep the tumor at bay - they will not be able to kill the cancer cells. But the side effects of these maintenance meds are typically tolerable. Other drugs identified by the "assay" are specifically formulated to destroy tumor cells, but they can have a profound effect on the body. Up to this point, my experience with chemo (Temodar and Carboplatin) has been favorable. I have been able to tolerate chemo well, and two recurrent tumors have been dismissed by Carbo. Perhaps I will be able to handle a third kind of chemo as well as the first two. The plan is to finish the Carbo/Avastin plan as before (three monthly infusions, assuming the tumor is gone on the scan planned for 14 May 10) and then try a new agent or two in three months.

Saturday, 01 May 10
The 5th annual Celebration of Life event, hosted by the Legacy Brain Foundation was held today. This is always a great time of encouragement, hope and camaraderie. The lunch, the survivor pins, the guest speaker, the fellowship - it's all good! I hope you'll make plans now to attend next year's celebration.

April 2010 News June 2010 News

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