Orphans in Moldova

The Angel Walk

News - November 2006

Wednesday, 29 November 06
The bi-monthly MRI (e.g. every other month) was accomplished today. As always, Kathy and I reviewed the film. The images look good to us, but we'll know for sure in two days at the oncologist's appointment.

Saturday, 25 November 06
Mom and I went to Cabella's today to get me outfitted for a trip to Moldova in early January. Administered by CERI, this will be a time of ministry, fun, games and encouragement to children in orphanages in this extremely poor country.

Thursday, 23 November 06
Thanksgiving is a national reminder of the many things we have to be thankful for. For me, it all comes down to being with family and friends. "God Bless America" is one of our most beloved songs, but somehow today the obscure bumper sticker "America Bless God," seems more appropriate.

Monday, 06 November 06
We are in San Antonio today for the UIL Division 3A State Marching Band Contest. The contest consisted of preliminaries and the finals. The Argyle Band qualified for the finals, and indeed was ranked #1 entering the finals. But the following the finals, our band fell to #5. I'm not sure what happened here, but all band parents are so very proud of our kids for this year's accomplishments. Be looking for an Argyle Band website, coming soon...

Saturday, 04 November 06
33 months ago on this day the brain tumor that would forever change my life was removed during a three hour procedure at Baylor Hospital Dallas by neurosurgeon Dr. S. Sam Finn. I can think of no better way to celebrate and commmemorate this occasion than the 1st annual Angel Adventure 5k Walk in Ft. Worth this morning.

October 2006 NewsDecember 2006 News


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