Christmas at Home
Christmas at Home

Moldova Orphans
Orphans in Moldova

Take a trip to Moldova with CERI
Come to Moldova

News - December 2006

Friday, 30 December 06
I am now packed for the trip to Moldova. I leave on 1/2/07 to visit abandoned children in this European country, many of whom have no hope. Attending to orphans and widows is the very heart of God.

Friday, 29 December 06
Today would have been my father's 75th birthday. He passed away when he was 48 from stomach cancer. Now here I am at the age of 49 defeating, by the grace of God, a brain tumor. Dad's illness went undiagnosed by the medical community, which has evidently learned much about acid reflux disease since the late 1970s. One day, brain cancer will be mitigated as well. When I cross over into eternity, I want to see my Saviour first, then my dad. What about your crossing? Do you have the eternal picture?

Monday, 25 December 06
Its Christmas at mom's home! This is the house I grew up in, having moved there in 1970 with mom, dad and brother David. I was in 7th grade at the time.

Sunday, 24 December 06
Its Christmas at home! This is my 3rd Christmas since removal of the brain tumor in Feb 2004.

Sunday, 17 December 06
Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary. We commemorated this occasion with a Christmas concert by the Dallas Wind Symphony (DWS) on the Campus Theatre in Denton. There were other featured musicians who participated in this holiday event, and by the time the concert was approaching its conclusion, we were all singing Holiday songs fit for the season. The Argyle Band Director, Ms. Kathy Johnson, plays the flute in the DWS, which made the concert all the better. I have been working with Ms. Johnson to develop a website for the Argyle Bands.

Friday, 07 December 06
Take a look at my gear for a pending trip to Moldova. I am in the process of testing these garments, wearing a different combination of items each day.

Monday, 04 December 06
34 months ago on this day the brain tumor that would forever change my life was removed during a three hour procedure at Baylor Hospital Dallas by neurosurgeon Dr. S. Sam Finn. It is hard for me to believe everything that has happened since that date almost 3 years ago.

Friday, 01 December 06
The MRI performed last Wednesday has been reviewed as clean! This makes 19 in a row. CBC results are also favorable. Thanks for the prayers, pages, notes and emails. Looking forward to Christmas this year, and heading to Moldova in early January with CERI to visit orphans in that extremely poor country.

November 2006 NewsJanuary 2007 News


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