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10 Puppies

News - October 2004

Sunday, 31 October 04
Finished Round 4, part 2 of chemo without any problems. I now get a two week rest period (continue the Celebrex and Accutane, but stop the Temodar), then its time for another MRI on 12 November 04. This process will continue for another year or more. Next oncologist visit will be 15 November 04.

Monday, 18 October 04
Monthly visit to the oncologist was accomplished without incident. CBC results look good. Blood pressure measurements taken at the oncologist office are always higher than those taken elsewhere. Round 4, part 2 of chemo begins tonight.

Sunday, 17 October 04
Participated in the Light the Night walk to raise funds for research of blood cancers. Maybe there is a common thread between all types of cancers. If we find a cure for blood cancer, perhaps other types of cancer will also be defeated too.

Friday, 15 October 04
Our Golden Retriever gave birth to 10 puppies this evening and into Saturday morning. The little ones are ravenous. It is amazing how the mom can produce enough milk to feed everyone.

Sunday, 03 October 04
Finished the first half of the fourth round of chemo today. The second half of round four begins on Monday, 18 October 04.

Saturday, 02 October 04
I enjoyed watching Aimee's gymnastics meet today. She earned 34.75 points on the four exercises: floor, beam, fault and bars. This should help her reach level 5.

September 2004 NewsNovember 2004 News


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