Finger Braces
Finger Braces

News - February 2005

Friday, 25 February 05
I have resumed the Temodar, after taking a five day break per the doctor's instructions, in order to address a sinus infection. Dr. Stark-Vance prescribed the Z-Pak antibiotic, just like I took about one year ago.

Sunday, 20 February 05
Today was very interesting. It began with me throwing up at 1:30 am, 3:30 am and 5:00 am. I guess my body has had enough of the Temodar chemotherapy, having been through a year of this now. Either that or I have a sinus infection and the drainage is upsetting my stomach. I will begin to take Zofran, which is almost certain to eliminate the nausea, although constipation is a side effect of Zofran. I got up at 6:00 am and drove across the metroplex to First Baptist Church Richardson to speak to several Bible classes and to give my testimony to the entire church that morning. I truly appreciated the opportunity to thank this church for the prayer pager and how their prayers have helped me during 2004. After this, mom and I ate at Steak & Ale (the best lunch I have ever had, I think) and I then went home and rested for 90 minutes or so.

Kathy and I went to our church (Cross Timbers Community Church) for a marriage renewal service which began at 7:00 pm. Lots of folks were there for this occasion, and for the first time ever, I danced with my lovely wife of 21 years. Can you believe that? We just never had gone to any event that included dancing - I do not know why! I suppose I am just a stiff white guy who needs to loosen up a bit. We had a great time, and what a day, beginning with digestive issues in the early morning hours and concluding with dancing in the late evening hours!

Sunday, 13 February 05
Lakeshore Baptist Church was kind enough to permit me to share my testimony with the congregation this evening. I truly enjoyed being with these folks in Weatherford. Lakeshore is the church home of my brother David and his family.

Monday, 06 February 05
Dr. Stark-Vance asked me today during my monthly visit if I wanted to discontinue the temodar chemotherapy completely. Having completed a year's treatment now and with a set of clean MRIs, she said that it was up to me to decide if I wanted to continue. Some folks go for 15 months, some for 18 months, many for two years, and she has one patient who has stayed on temodar for three years. As long as my blood counts remain good, and in particular as long as the lym counts stay good, I can keep doing the chemo.

After a few minutes of discussion, we decided to stay the course, as I am tolerating the treatments very well so far.

Friday, 04 February 05
This is the first anniversary of the surgery to remove the beast. On 30 Jan 04 I felt as if I had been hit by a train and fallen into a pit upon learning of the tumor diagnosis. Surgery on 04 Feb 04, followed by radiation, six rounds of chemotherapy with six clean MRIs, with the incredible support and prayers of many people, have turned that initial day of sorrow into joy and mourning into dancing. This website can hopefully serve as an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress, and has been there with me wherever I have gone. (Gen 35:3)

Wednesday, 02 February 05
Kathy went to a specialist today regarding her hand, which she injured a couple of months ago. Turns out she has scar tissue in the joints of two fingers that is causing them to swell, resulting in her fingers tending to curl up. She wears braces on these two fingers to pull them straight in order to eventually break up the scar tissue.

Speaking to a Bible Class

January 2005 NewsMarch 2005 News


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