RHS Class of 1976 Reunion
RHS Class of 76 Reunion

Sentimental Journey
Sentimental Journey

Caricatures of Andrew
Andrew's Caricature

News - June 2006

Tuesday, 27 June 06
For those of you who occasionally have trouble getting started in the morning, consider this sequence. (1) I sometimes wake up in the morning a bit tired. Perhaps I should not stay up until 11pm, but I like watching the Rangers. (2) A hot shower is first on the agenda, which has the usual relaxing effect. (3) I then take a 500 mg Keppra anti-seizure pill, which is expressly intended to slow you down. (4) 27 miles to work down I35E at 65 mph. The car gets in the grove, producing a melodic rhythm. I turn on the radio to keep my brain turned on. (5) At work on Tuesdays, I go straight into a 90 minute staff meeting where I sit and soak for most of time. Staying awake is necessary, and I want to do so. I therefore shift myself in the nice chair and lean forward and back again. Around 10 am, I am 100%. Surprisingly, I find that other folks at work tend to nod off from time to time. This has happened everywhere I have worked. Perhaps we all need more rest...

Friday, 23 June 06
I had a seizure one year ago today. At least, this is what it was described to me as being. I stood up that morning in my bedroom, felt a bit odd, then looked up from by back at two paramedics saying "are you okay, Jerry?" I do not know how long I was out (long enough for the paramedics to arrive), but less than four hours later I had a clean MRI, the 9th such scan since surgery (February 2004). I began taking anti-convulsant Keppra the day of the siezure, and have consumed 365 grams (500 mg pills, taken twice per day) of Keppra since June 23rd 2005; about 0.8 pounds - like eating a triple meat burger from Whataburger or Wendy's. I resumed driving around Christmas of 2005 (Texas law evidently requires that you be seizure free for six months in order to drive a motor vehicle) and have not had any problems since 6/23/05. One month after this incident, post-op MRI #10 was performed and was also clean.

Monday, 19 June 06
New front tires were installed on my 1999 Ford Taurus this morning. Before getting back on the road, an alignment check was performed. Camber, Toe, Caster and related measurements were accomplished. The tire guy remarked "these results look very good." The data for these parameters were centered within the specified range for each value. I looked at the report and smiled as I thought about my CBC results over the past few months. I shared my story with the person at the tire shop and we both enjoyed a laugh or two.

Sunday, 18 June 06
Father's day - my 3rd Father's Day since the gbm diagnosis. It is a blessing to be with the family today. Great to hear a message at our church this morning, encouraging dads to keep up the good work. Even though we make lots of mistakes, we try our best to take care of our family.

Saturday, 17 June 06
Kathy and I attended my High School reunion tonight. It has been 30 years since I graduated from Richardson High School, along with about 950 other guys and gals comprising the RHS class of 76. I enjoyed visiting folks I knew in HS, such as Mark Jacobs, and I met new friends from my class, such as Richard Fenwick. Katie Haugh made my day when she told me about the prayer pager for her friend. I brought my 1976 Trans Am to this 1976 class reunion, great photo op with the reunion committee, great job by photographer JD McLeod.

Friday, 16 June 06
Finished the first half of the 15th round of chemo tonight. Two weeks off of chemo now, repeat the chemo for two weeks, take off two weeks, then get MRI #17.

Thursday, 08 June 06
I had an opportunity to visit the Arizona wing of the Commemorative Air Force today. Their B-17G Sentimental Journey is a highlight on any business trip to Phoenix.

Monday, 05 June 06
Began the 15th round of Temodar chemo therapy tonight. Temodar is a pill that I take at home. I have been on this agent for more than two years.

Sunday, 04 June 06
Today makes 28 months since surgery.

Friday, 02 June 06
Andrew and I traveled to St. Louis today. During our stay in this great city, we watched the Cardinals lose to the Cubs in 14 innings (the game that would never end), went to the Zoo, the Arch, Aquarium and watched the Mavs beat the Suns on TV. Souvenirs of our trip include two caricatures of Andrew. We wanted to checkout blues music, but just ran out of time. We did not have a rent car during the trip - St. Louis has a great MetroLink system of trains and buses to get you most anywhere in the downtown districts.

May 2006 NewsJuly 2006 News


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