Skin Cancer Removal
Skin Cancer Removal



News - November 2007

Thursday, 29 November 07
A low grade basal-cell type skin cancer was removed from my face today. The extracted tissue will be sent to pathology to see if Dr. Perez took a sufficient margin around the spot. The stiches will be removed in one week, and I must wear a rather large bandage for one day.

Tuesday, 27 November 07
I posted a medical timeline graphic today, in an attempt to bring first time visitors up to speed on my story as quickly as possible.

Monday, 26 November 07
My father-in-law had bypass surgery today. Kathy, along with many other friends and family members, are with him in South Texas. We thank the Lord for this successful procedure!

Saturday, 24 November 07
Thanksgiving at my mom's home today was, as always, a great gathering. Tons of food and fellowship. Random pictures taken, many boxes of Christmas decorations brought down from the attic.

Thursday, 22 November 07
Thanksgiving at the in-laws, enabled by a 550 mile voyage from Argyle to McAllen. This particular visit takes on a special significance, as my father-in-law Russel, who is Kathy's dad, is scheduled for quadruple bypass surgery on Monday.

Wednesday, 21 November 07
I completed the book Seeing Eye to Eye with God, which was written by a friend of mine. This work asserts that wisdom is practical and intended for application in our everyday lives. Dispelling myths such as "you have to be old to be wise," the book extolls the value of Biblical wisdom and how it is sought and acquired.

Saturday, 15 November 07
The sinus infection and sore throat appear to have been defeated by the Ceftin antibiotic med that I have been taking since 05 November 2007. I'll complete the three week treatment on Monday, 26 November 07.

Tuesday, 13 November 07
A group of very special coworkers at EFW presented a cake to me today. The enscription on the cake read "Congratulations, Mr. Clean" in recognition of the MRI report from Monday. I was caught totally off guard by this and the associated festivities! I quickly pointed out that all honor and glory belongs to the Lord. This cake was one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me.

Monday, 12 November 07
Friday's MRI has been reviewed as clean. My past three scans have been clean, which means that I can now discontinue the Carboplatin chemo and the Avastin and return to bi-monthly MRIs. CBC results from today show my platelets returning to normal levels.

So today marks a significant milestone: for the first time since March 2004, I am officially off of chemo! We will continue to scan for any possible recurrence, and this time we will be even more alert than ever before. Many thanks to all of you have been praying for me. You share in my joy. My thanks for the Lord for His grace and blessings.

Sunday, 11 November 07
My dad went home on this day 27 years ago. I think of him most everyday; I still have literal dreams about my father. When I arrive in heaven, seeing my dad is high on my list; second only to seeing my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself. You too can know for certain that your eternity will be in heaven.

Saturday, 10 November 07
Our five kittens are ready for new homes now that they are six weeks old. Indeed we have only three left!

Friday, 09 November 07
A bi-monthly, routine MRI was accomplished today. The radiologist's report will be received Monday, but the images look okay to me when compared to the scans from 03 October and 31 August. I appreciate all of the prayers and words of encouragement.

Saturday, 03 November 07
CBC results from yesterday show my platelets at an all time low. Not surprising, since we began the 5th round of Carboplatin chemo at marginal level of 108 thousand platelets per microliter. Three weeks have elapsed since then, and based upon past results, I expect my Platelet count to be on the road to recovery when my next CBC test is performed on 12 Nov 07. In fact if my MRI, planned for 09 Nov 07, is reviewed as clean, then I will be able to cut way back on the chemo and Avastin and even return to bi-monthly scans, enabling a fully and robust recovery of Platelets.

Friday, 02 November 07
Aimee and I enjoyed being with my mom on this her birthday. We watched Aimee do "giants" on the bars, at a total loss as to how she can in fact accomplish this USAG Level 8 move. At dinner, we spoke about how moms and grandmothers seem to be in the know more than dads and grandfathers. It is as if a little birdie keeps them informed. Be careful what you say, how you say it and to whom you reveal a matter, for words spoken in secret can find their way to the public domain, most notably to moms and grandmothers.

Thursday, 01 November 07
Buddy the male blonde AKC Golden Retreiver is spending a few days with our brown/red female AKC Golden Retreiver. If things proceed according to plan, she will bring forth puppies at the first of next year, which means that the pups will be ready for their new home around Valentine's Day. This will be Goldie's second liter, and her first liter in three years.

October 2007 NewsDecember 2007 News


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