News - September 2005

Friday, 23 September 05
My 11th bi-monthly MRI has indeed been reviewed as clean! Blood work results look good as well, so the frequency of future visits to the oncologist wil now be cut in half; from once per month to once every two months. The 12th round of chemo begins Monday.

Wednesday, 21 September 05
My 11th bi-monthly MRI accomplished this morning looks clean to me. The official report from the radiologist will be available on Friday. I appreciate your continued prayer support!

Tuesday, 13 September 05
Finished the 11th round of chemo on Sunday. Continuing the Accutane @ 40 mg/day and Keppra @ 1000 mg/day.

Next MRI will be Wednesday, 21 September 05.

August 2005 NewsOctober 2005 News


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