Light the Night 2005
Light the Night

Austin's Telescopes
Austin's Telescopes

News - October 2005

Monday, 24 October 05
Tonight I began the second half of the 12th round of Temodar chemotherapy. I'll take 140 mg of Temodar for 14 days, the stop the chemo for two weeks.

Sunday, 16 October 05
The 2005 Ft. Worth Light the Night walk took place this evening. We had a great time while raising funding for blood cancer research.

Monday, 10 October 05
Finished two more weeks of Temodar chemotherapy. I will now stop the chemo for two weeks, then repeat this procedure again, and then get my 12th MRI since surgery in February 2004. My prayer pager continues to trigger several timer each day. I appreciate the sustained prayers!

Saturday, 01 October 05
Austin has been saving his money for about a year to purchase a new telescope. Today, he bought an 8 inch scope that is about as big as he is! Astronomy is an unusual hobby for a 13 year old. We are very glad for Austin's interest, since the more you study the objects of the night sky, the more you realize that the heavens do indeed declare the glory of God.

September 2005 NewsNovember 2005 News


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