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I learned in January 2004 that I had large brain tumor. I was advised that there are absolutely no survivors of this type of tumor: a gbm (glioblastoma multiforme). I should just expect the tumor to come back and take my life. I went from heathly and normal to terminal and hopeless. But instead of going home and waiting to die, I created this website and wrote a book.

I am an ordinary, average, normal person; unremarkable in every way. If I can survive a grade 4 brain tumor, by the grace of God for the glory of God, then I see no reason why you cannot too.

Updates are posted in the News section. A summary is also available (including a pdf version), as are answers to your frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Take a look at the site map to examine this story as a function of topic and checkout the medical timeline.

If you have recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor, I suggest you start here.

You can contact me in a variety of ways, and please feel free to do so if the need arises.

Most importantly, you are invited to consider the claims of Jesus Christ. Please review a simple illustration explaining who Christ is and what He has done for you.


Be strong and courageous, for there are always survivors of the most dreadful of diseases, even a high grade brain tumor...

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