LTN 2006
Light the Night

Andrew, Aaron & Austin
My Three Sons

Angel Adventure 5k Walk
The Angel 5k Walk

Everything Little Thing
Every Little Thing

News - September 2006

Friday, 29 September 06
My latest MRI has been reviewed by the radiologist and by my oncologist as clean! This makes 18 consecutively clean scans since brain surgery almost 32 months ago. My CBC results are again favorable, so the next Temodar chemo cycle will begin next week. Many thanks for your prayers, a ministry of hope from you to me.

Wednesday, 27 September 06
A routine bi-monthly MRI was performed today; the report will be available for my oncologist's appointment on Friday. I have been receiving many pages from Zip Codes 97303 and 97305 lately, and they always seem to arrive at exactly the time that I need a bit of encouragement. Many thanks to all who have been praying, whether you page or not!

Saturday, 23 September 06
Exceptionally active day for the prayer pager, with four new Zip Codes added to the list. I appreciate your prayers; they seem to come at just the right time, as if orchestrated, by one master Conductor.

Wednesday, 20 September 06
Our 2nd AquaKids swim school opened today. Two indoor pools, 6800 square feet, ready to serve Keller and nearby communities with swim lessons and birthdays parties.

Tuesday, 19 September 06
Completed the 16th round of chemo today. Next MRI will be 27 September 06. I'd appreciate your prayers for a clean scan.

Thursday, 14 September 06
We welcomed two additions to our family today - two kittens that is.

Saturday, 09 September 06
Aimee's gymnastics meets started today. Her hard work at Level 6 is paying off.

Thursday, 07 September 06
I am supporting two events this year to help fund research to find a cure for cancer.

The first is Light the Night, which will be held Oct 15th in Ft. Worth. This will be my 3rd walk. Please take a look at a few pictures from last year's walk. My goal here is $1000 and the webpage has just been setup at

The second event is the Angel 5k (3.1 miles) for the National Brain Tumor Foundation (NBTF) on November 4th, also in Ft. Worth. This is the first time that the NBTF has done a walk. My goal for this one is $5000. I am about 40% of the way towards reaching this goal. Website is

Please visit these two sites and consider making a donation. I do not enjoy asking for money, but I cherish the thought of a cure for cancer!

Monday, 04 September 06
Labor Day 2006 marks the 31st month anniversary of the beast extraction. The Lord added a bit of icing to this medical cake today with a nice, slow, steady rain. What a sight - two sights actually: to be able to look at myself in the mirror this morning and acknowledge God's grace to still be alive, read the first four chapters of Isaiah (including the incredible verse "come let us reason together...") and then to look out the window and see His life giving rain falling upon a dry, thirsty, cracked, baked land.

Sunday, 03 September 06
It is time to clean up the pool. It is always time to clean up the pool. It will always and forever be time to clean up the pool! Our pool filter consists of four cartridge elements that are arranged in a square inside the filter case. Periodically, these filters elements must be cleaned. Not a fun task, but as the song says: "I'm seeing You more and more, in Every Little Thing."

Saturday, 02 September 06
Texas High School football is back! But the game itself is of less importance than half time, when the Argyle High School Marching Band takes the field! We are talking about the Texas State Division 2A Marching Band champs - two times in a row. This year, three of my sons are in the band. We are hopeful of the band's return to state again this year, this time in Division 3A.

It is important to note that there are two other children in the Kline family. Aimee plays the saxophone in the middle school band and is a level 6 gymnast. Her competitive meets begin in just one week! Our youngest child, Aric, has taken up the guitar. My wife Kathy has considerable musical talent in her own right, and I used to play the drums, so maybe one day we will be like the Partridge Family - or not!

Aimee Kittens Homecoming 2006 My Trans Am is not a time-share!

August 2006 NewsOctober 2006 News


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